Essex Law Clinic teams up with Khmelnytskyi National University

The University of Essex is teaming up with KhNU under an exciting new partnership aimed at connecting law students.

Undergraduates from the Essex Law Clinic and Khmelnytskyi National University Law Clinic (KhNU) will share the work of their respective law clinics by each producing a recording which will be shared on Zoom.

The aim is for the two groups of students to then work together on a joint project in the spring term.

It is hoped a future shared task will see the students assist and provide legal advice to Ukrainian refugees living in the UK, as well as helping to form significant links between students and staff in the respective law clinics and schools.

We express our sincere gratitude to our colleagues from the Essex Law Clinic at the University of Essex for their willingness and readiness to share and exchange knowledge and expertise with us through our twinning programme.

#Twinning #TheUniversityofEssex