Internship of Associate Professor of KhNU in Poland

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Nataliia Bidasiuk completed an internship at the Polish University of Olsztyn School of Higher Education. The university staff and the rector, Dr. Agnieszka Górska, helped to create comfortable conditions for studying, research and exchange of experience.

Ms. Natalia not only observed the working methods of her Polish colleagues, but also held several classes in the English language and literature herself.

"Live communication with pupils and students in the classroom is like performing on a stage, which brings new emotions to both the teacher and the class participants every time," Nataliia said.

Together with students of the Kliuch Lyceum (Kętrzyn), Nataliia visited the Museum of Emigration in Gdynia, which has an interactive exhibition dedicated to the migration of Poles to different countries of the world, starting from the 19th century to the present day. Since the teacher's research interests include American immigrant literature, the trip provided some facts and inspiration for further research.

One of Nataliia Bidasiuk's volunteer projects was to provide Ukrainian literature to children who came to Poland during the war. With the help of her friends from Khmelnytskyi, she managed to collect more than a hundred books, which were sent to schools and libraries in the Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship.

Nataliia devoted her free time to learning Polish, a language she had never spoken before.

"The experiment shows that in 3 months you can learn a language for free communication if it is a language related to those that the student already knows, if you study systematically, if there is a teacher who explains the theoretical material, if you are in the language environment of native speakers with whom you constantly talk and practice what you have learned," said the associate professor.

Khmelnytskyi National University is grateful to the Olsztyn School of Higher Education, the rector and the directors of the Kliuch Lyceum and looks forward to further cooperation.