General information


Erasmus+ is an international cooperation program of the European Union with other countries in education, youth and sports. The program allows students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend time abroad to improve their qualifications. In addition, the program supports educational and academic mobility opportunities in education and for youth, projects and partnerships, and development and cooperation strategies.

The annual call for proposals covers the following areas of the Erasmus+ program:

  • Key Action 1 (KA1) – mobility of youth and youth workers: youth exchanges, volunteer projects and professional development of youth workers;
  • Key Action 2 (KA2) – проєкти співпраці (стратегічні партнерства): співпраця між організаціями у сфері інновацій та обміну успішними практиками;
  • Key Action 3 (KA3) – support for reforms (youth dialogue): meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth policy;
  • Jean Monnet Actions
  • Young;
  • Sport.

The main goal of project implementation - exchange of successful practices and implementation of innovation through the creation of transnational partnerships to build the potential of organizations, professional development of human resources and positive and qualitative changes. In addition, the organizations promote educational and academic mobility opportunities for pupils, students, employees of higher education and vocational education and training, youth, youth workers, representatives of public organizations and volunteers.

Advantages for organizations involved in the implementation of Erasmus+ projects include:

  • expansion of cooperation at the international level
  • development of internationalization
  • development of human capital and capacity building of organizations for the implementation of reforms
  • introduction of leading methods of management and governance development of human capital and capacity building of organizations for the implementation of reforms
  • successful practices, innovative methods and technologies, and modern infrastructure
  • improving the quality of formal, informal and non-formal education
  • competitiveness at the national and international levels.

The implementation of Erasmus+ KA1 projects starts on August 1 in the year of project approval before funding and can last 24 or 36 months..

Students - junior bachelors and bachelors (except for the 1st year), masters, PhD students (for study, practice);

Employees - are teachers and administrative workers (for teaching, advanced training, and internships).

Learning or teaching is possible in various fields of knowledge.