"Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities"

Twenty-five vice-rectors from 25 Ukrainian partner universities met at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland) in the framework of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange Program "Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities". The program's goal is to preserve the Ukrainian people's intellectual level and enable educators to continue their research after the war.

Kateryna Skyba, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Khmelnytskyi National University, joined the event to represent Alma Mater at the international fora.

Over the next week, the vice-rectors will have the opportunity to get to know the university and the city better and discuss further options for cooperation, the problems of higher education in Ukraine during the war, its internationalization, and potential prospects for EU project funding.

The event will end in a roundtable discussion with selected deans, vice-rectors and the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University.

We are sincerely grateful for the opportunity to join this important event, which will significantly contribute to the restoration and development of the Ukrainian education!