In accordance with the order №91-KP of 21.06.2024 of Khmelnytskyi National University “On sending a higher education student to implement an academic mobility program” Daria Zhyshchynska2nd year Polish Language and Literature student . was sent to the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland) for the implementation of the international academic mobility program in the form of participation in the international summer school “Inspiration and manipulation of public opinion as algorithms for gaining and maintaining political power in Europe” as part of the project “BNI-UE-2023-23: Cooperation of Adam Mickiewicz University with Ukrainian universities within the Alliance of European Universities”.
Academic mobility is carried out in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement of 11.01.2018 between Khmelnytskyi National University and Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland) and in accordance with previously reached agreements on the implementation of the academic mobility program in the form of international summer schools.
Daryna Zhyshchynska took part in the Summer School at the invitation of the Adam Mickiewicz University. The period of the above program is from June 30 to July 6, 2024.

Daryna's feedback on her participation in the Summer School: “I am very glad to have had the opportunity to participate in the Adam Mickiewicz University Summer School “Manipulation of Public Opinion as an Algorithm for Gaining and Retaining Political Power in Europe”, 30.06-06.07.2024, Dębin Palace, Poland.
I will never forget these days! This summer school made me happier. It was an incredible experience. This week was very important for me because I dreamed about it. Besides, it was my first trip abroad, this year I really wanted to visit Poland because I study Polish philology and my classmates already had such an experience (trips to Poland this academic year), so it would be a cool experience for me. And I can't believe that my dreams came true!
I had a great time and was able to practice my English and Polish. I really liked the atmosphere of the summer school and the teachers, who are professionals in their field and just wonderful and positive people with whom you could talk outside of lectures.
Thanks to this summer school, I made new friends, gained new knowledge, and just had a rest after the school year. It was a time spent with benefit and pleasant emotions. At first I couldn't believe I was here, and now I can't believe I have to leave this place. But these days, these people, this place will always remain in my memories...
The summer school gave me unforgettable moments and great motivation to develop. I like the phrase that Konstantin Mazur said: “What you do now determines what you will be like in a year, in 5 years, so spend this time with benefit. Nothing good will come of doing nothing.”
Last night I cried because I felt very happy, I had a lot of positive emotions that inspire me to study even more. I'm not sad because, as Krzysztof Nowak-Posadzy said: “It doesn't matter where you are, it's what's in your head that matters, you just have to move towards your goals”, and I definitely agree with that. I know that there are many more travels and projects waiting for me in the future if I really want them! And I do want it! And maybe someday I will come back to the Dębin Palace or the Adam Mickiewicz University! Of course, this is a very great experience for me, for a Polish Languge student-, because to be in an environment among native speakers of Polish (which is the language of my future specialty), to communicate in English (also the language of my specialty) is really cool. Because I had the opportunity to consolidate the material learned in my university classes in practice! Thanks to all the organizers, teachers and other people who surrounded me this week. I took something new, interesting and useful from everyone! I hope that other participants of the Summer School will remember me, and that we will all be enriched with knowledge, experience, practice, emotions, hopes and faith in our capabilities!”
We are sincerely happy about the success of our student Daryna Zhyshchynska! We would like to add that such practice - the implementation of international academic mobility programs, summer schools, language practices, projects, conferences, etc. - is common at the Department of Slavic Philology. We are happy together with our students that we can help develop their professional competencies through international activities. We are grateful to the Department of International Relations of KhNU, which systematically provides information about such opportunities, and our students and teachers have the opportunity to take advantage of them.
More information about the international activities of the Department of Slavic Philology is available on the website: