The head of IRO participates in the International Summer School “Project acquisition and management”

On 24-28 April 2023, Liudmyla Remishevska, Head of the International Relations Office, participated in the International Summer School “Project acquisition and management” at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Representatives of 26 universities were involved in the summer school.

On the first day of the international school, the principal lecturer was Dr. Kostiantyn Mazur, who told the participants about the structure and areas of international cooperation at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Additionally, Marek Fertig and Anna Stachowiak-Szrejbrowska actively delivered lectures.

Marek Fertig, Director of the Project Support Centre at Adam Mickiewicz University, spoke about the possibilities of implementing scientific and research projects. During the lectures, all university representatives had the opportunity to share their experiences of already implemented projects at their universities.

Dr. Anna Stachowiak-Szrejbrowska discussed the main stages of project preparation and possible problems during their implementation.

The following school lecturers were Paweł Kaczmarek and Natalia Kuts, who introduced the participants to Horizon Europe opportunities for Ukrainian higher education institutions. The lecturers spoke about different types of project applications and funding, shared their experience in project management, and provided practical advice on improving project management quality

Marek Fertig and Anna Stachowiak-Szrejbrowska also conducted a workshop to improve teamwork in the project. In the second part of the class, Przemysław Wojtaszek,Vice-Rector for Research Projects and Doctoral Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University, spoke about the main problems of grant funding for different specialities. Prof. Dr. hab. Przemysław Wojtaszek stressed the need to expand the geography of international consortia in project activities.

After all the lectures, the participants received certificates of participation in the international summer school.

We thank the staff of Adam Mickiewicz University for the valuable lectures and experience gained and look forward to fruitful project cooperation in the future.