Businet Association - launching new partnerships

On May 10, 2022, a Zoom meeting was held with members of the Business Association and representatives of Ukrainian universities, to which representatives of Khmelnytskyi National University were invited.

The association members organized the event to get acquainted with Ukrainian universities, learn about their needs in the context of the war with Russia, and offer assistance. Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Kateryna Skyba and International Relations Officers Liudmyla Remishevska and Oksana Nesterova represented Khmelnytskyi National University. The main areas for cooperation with foreign partners in educational management, education, science, culture and sports were outlined. In addition, much attention was paid to discussing the possibilities of various types of mobility and access to educational resources for higher education students and academic staff.

After the institutions' presentation, the event participants talked in separate Zoom rooms with representatives of Businet universities to discuss specific types of cooperation and assistance. As a result of the meeting, connections were established with some higher education institutions in France, Belgium, Turkey, and Scotland. Negotiations are currently underway to discuss the details of the proposed opportunities and assistance for Khmelnytskyi National University.