From May 15, students and academic staff of Khmelnytskyi National University have been taking English language courses with Reallyenglish.
The cooperation between KhNU and Reallyenglish is a part of the Twinning program. Since 2002 Reallyenglish has been developing and delivering an unparalleled range of digital and blended English language learning content. More than 1.7 million students have studied with Reallyenglish.
Anton Hrokh (student majoring in Cyber Security), Hanna Tkachuk (Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering), Nataliia Mironova (Head of the Department of Ecology and Biological Education), Oksana Kuzminchuk (student majoring in Philology. Slavic language and Literature (including Translation), first – Polish Language), Olena Koshonko (Associate Professor of the Department of HR Engineering in Business Economics), and Tetiana Ishchuk (student majoring in Chemical Technology and Engineering), have received certificates of successful completion of training on the platform.
We are convinced that the training was engaging and beneficial, and the knowledge gained will allow the participants of the educational process to improve their research and educational activities.