Participation of teachers of the Ukrainian Philology Department in the STAFF MOBILITY FOR TEACHING Erasmus+ program of F. Palacky University in the Czech Republic

Academic mobility of research and teaching staff in foreign universities is an important factor in the internationalization of higher education and the cultural integration of researchers and teachers from different countries.

Due to the Cooperation Agreement between Khmelnytskyi National University and F. Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic), concluded and signed in June 2022, Head of the Ukrainian Philology Department of KhNU, Professor Inna Tsaralunga and Deputy Dean of the Graduate School of Philology, Associate Professor Inna Pryimak took part in the Erasmus+ project of F. Palacky University in Olomouc from November 21 to 25, 2022.

Following the individual international mobility programs, the cooperation was organized between the KhNU research and teaching staff and bachelor and master students of the Ukrainian Studies Unit of the Department of Slavic Studies of one of the leading higher education institutions in the Czech Republic.

Following the individual international mobility programs, the cooperation was organized between the KhNU research and teaching staff and bachelor and master students of the Ukrainian Studies Unit of the Department of Slavic Studies of one of the leading higher education institutions in the Czech Republic.

In the process of implementing international mobility, Prof. Inna Tsaralunga conducted training sessions on the history of the Ukrainian language on the following relevant topics:

- Sources of studying the history of the Ukrainian language

- Old Ukrainian literary and written language of the X - XII centuries

- Phonetic features of the Ukrainian language in historical development

- Morphological structure of the Ukrainian language in diachrony, etc.

The following topics of the lectures on the history of Ukrainian literature, held by Associate Professor Inna Pryimak, were of great interest:

- The Literature of Kievan Rus in the Pan-European Context

- Literary heritage of Taras Shevchenko against the background of the Ukrainian national revival

- The development of romanticism in the Ukrainian and European literary movement -Formation and development of postmodernism in Ukrainian literature of the late twentieth century and others.

The teachers of the Slavic Studies Department of F. Palacký University in Olomouc - Radana MERZOVA, PhD in Philology, Head of the Ukrainian Studies Section and Uliana Kholodova, PhD in Philology, Coordinator of Ukrainian-Czech Academic Mobility, held consultations on scientific and professional issues to improve the educational programs of the departments and the curricula of the bachelor's and master's degree programs, improve the future professional competencies of students, and further develop international partnership.

The familiarization with the educational work and the content of the library collections of Olomouc University was supplemented by interesting volunteer activities of the representatives of F. Palacký University. In particular, for the guests from Ukraine - teachers from Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Drohobych, Kyiv, Mariupol, Melitopol, Odesa, and Khmelnytskyi - the teachers and students of the Slavic Studies Department organized a workshop on making a motanka doll as an ancient national symbol and amulet of Ukrainians.

In the end, all the participants of the international mobility thanked for the valuable experience of academic cooperation at the EU university and discussed the prospects for further cooperation, in particular, updating the Ukrainian studies topics within the framework of the Symposium of Ukrainian Studies of Central and Eastern Europe, which is held every two years at the F. Palacký University in Olomouc.

The experience gained from participating in the Erasmus+ project will be used to bring the standards of the educational process at Khmelnytskyi National University closer to the requirements and opportunities of higher education in the European multicultural space.