Participation in the International research trip "Scientific and research trip to the Balkans: Greece and Macedonia"

Anna Melnyk, a specialist of the Department of International Relations of Khmelnytsky National University, took part in the international research trip "Scientific and research trip to the Balkans: Greece and Macedonia", which took place on May 11-21, 2024 in Greece and North Macedonia. The event was organized by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) as part of a project of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).

According to Anna Melnyk, the program of the event was rich and informative, focused on scientific research and exchange of experience. The trip started in Greece. The first stop was the city of Leptokaria, which is located at the foot of Mount Olympus. The participants got acquainted with the architecture and infrastructure of the city, studied its features for further use of the collected information in their scientific research.

An excursion to the sanctuary of the goddess Demeter and a visit to the archaeological museum in Dion, where priceless artifacts of ancient Greek culture are kept, gave a deep understanding of the history of the region.

An excursion to Platamons Castle, a medieval fortification, was also a valuable experience. In Bitola, the participants learned about the peculiarities of the Balkan Sharplanitsa dog breed, which was part of the study of the local fauna.

The next stage of the trip was to move to Ohrid, North Macedonia. This city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The lectures of Prof. Andrzej Sheracki and Tomasz Majdacki in the ancient amphitheater created a unique atmosphere for scientific discussions and debates. During the excursions led by Prof. Rafal Dymczyk, the participants got to know the historical and cultural heritage of Ohrid in more depth, which became an important component of their research.

The trip resulted in the International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "OHRID - Open Humanities Research and Interdisciplinary Dialogue", which took place on June 4, 2024. The conference was attended by students of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and participants of the research trip

Polish and Ukrainian scientists presented the results of their research, actively participated in scientific discussions and received valuable advice from the conference moderators - Prof. Rafal Dymczyk of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Prof. Ihor Kryvoshea of the Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

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