Developing international cooperation with the Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz

For the past two decades, Khmelnytskyi National University has been systematically cooperating with Polish educational institutions to hold the international conference "Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Dialogues." This year we celebrated the 10th anniversary session of this prestigious event.

Thanks to our long-standing friendly cooperation, the conference "X Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Dialogues" was held on June 11-15, 2024 in Bydgoszcz (Poland) at the Kazimierz the Great University. The project received financial support under the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland "Excellent Science II" within the module "Support for Scientific Conferences". Khmelnytskyi National University was represented by a delegation of 40 scientists. Such a large-scale scientific event not only contributed to meaningful discussions between scientists from the two countries, but also marked a powerful impetus for the development of further international cooperation.

During the conference, the Rector of Khmelnytskyi National University Serhiy Matiukh, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Kateryna Skyba, and Deans of the Faculties of FATA and FHFCC Yevhen Rudnichenko and Yevhen Pavliuk, together with the Head of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Ihor Zhurba, met with the newly elected Rector of Casimir the Great University, Professor Bernard Mendlik, to discuss deepening international cooperation. The main focus was on expanding opportunities for academic mobility, joint research, publications, development and implementation of double degree programs, intercultural student exchanges

The KHNU delegation also visited the International Relations Department of Casimir the Great University, where they met with the head of the department, Aniela Bekir-Yasinska, and the staff of the Department for International Students. It was a great opportunity to recall our long-term cooperation, in particular the first students of Casimir the Great University who participated in the Erasmus+ program and studied for a semester at Khmelnytskyi National University. It was agreed that such cooperation will definitely resume after our victory, and Polish students will be able to study safely at our university.

We are grateful to our reliable partners for their support and willingness to continue cooperation.