The project "U_CAN: Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality" within the framework of the Horizon Europe program

The duration of the project is May 1, 2024 - April 30, 2028

University partners in the project:

Dresden University of Technology (Germany);

The city of Dresden (Germany);

European Citizen Science Association (Germany);

German Institute for Standardisation (Germany);

Výskumné centrum Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku (Slovakia);

Technology Partners Foundation (Poland);

Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland);

Aarhus Universitet (Denmark);

University of L'Aquila (Italy);


Non-governmental organization bureau of research, innovations and technologies (Ukraine);

Kharkiv National Academy of Urban Economy (Ukraine);

National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (Ukraine);

All-Ukrainian public organization "Club of Mayors" (Ukraine);

 Municipal institution "City Institute" (Ukraine);

Municipal institution "City Development Agency" of the Zhytomyr City Council (Ukraine);

Khmelnytskyi National University (Ukraine);

Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law (Ukraine);

Municipal enterprise "Institute of Urban Development" (Ukraine); Public organization regional center of sustainable development (Ukraine).

Project objective: to demonstrate how adaptive traffic management can reduce emissions and improve urban environmental conditions, serving as a model for other cities in Ukraine and the EU, involving research, networking, knowledge sharing and capacity building to provide local authorities with the necessary tools for climate neutrality. By integrating advanced information technology, real-time traffic and terrain data, as well as existing emissions reduction initiatives, the project provides a cleaner urban environment.

Within the framework of the project, a conference and a special seminar will be held for representatives of several Ukrainian cities and key stakeholders of the transport sector with the aim of sharing knowledge on reducing CO2 emissions and climate neutrality, promoting efficient urban transport systems, ensuring sustainable urban mobility and improving the environment.

Impact: the project will support climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives in each pilot city, with an emphasis on using our advanced technologies to achieve these goals. It includes an extensive dissemination, communication and utilization plan managed by European and Ukrainian organizations.

Project tasks:

1) support Ukrainian cities that wish to transition to climate neutrality in the development of climate strategies that depend on the context;

2) identify key sectors in Ukraine for climate change. This includes identifying critical sectors in need of transition, including industrial decarbonisation, energy transition, environmental solutions, etc.;

3) promote the twinning activities of the CNSC, promoting the exchange of best practices in the fight against climate. This assistance includes the association of CNSC Mission cities as leading examples and mentors for Ukrainian cities in achieving climate neutrality;

4) promote local pilot initiatives as an indicator of efforts on the ground that demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of climate-neutral measures. It will also contribute to tangible efforts to replicate and share knowledge between Ukrainian partner cities and other cities in Ukraine; 5) to contribute to the expansion of awareness among a wider group of Ukrainian cities. This will ensure that project results are disseminated and used to have a long-term impact on Ukraine's alignment with the EGD.