Project duration: October 15, 2015 - October 15, 2018.
University partners in the project are Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland; University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany; Alexander Stulginskis University, Lithuania; University of Patras, Greece; The Network University, Netherlands; Sumy State University, Ukraine; National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine; Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Ukraine; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine; Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine; Odesa Mechnikov National University, Odesa, Ukraine.
Project objective:
To implement the best practices in the Ukrainian higher education space to ensure quality assurance in higher education institutions based on ENQA standards.
Project tasks:
- To develop tools that ensure the functioning of internal and external quality assurance (QA) systems.
- Based on the capacities of the HEIs and the Ministry, train staff to use quality assurance tools. Establish organizational infrastructure for quality assurance and pilot internal and external quality assurance models.
- Promote student’s involvement in the University's self-assessment processes
- Make the self-assessment mechanism an integral part of the University's functioning.
Project activities:
Prepare a report on monitoring the current state of the Ukrainian quality assurance system or its attributes;
- Preparation of an analytical review of the regulatory framework governing quality assurance in Ukrainian higher education;
- Preparation of an analytical report on the structure and functionality of internal quality assurance systems of all Ukrainian HEIs;
- Preparation of analytical information on the experience of European partner countries;
- Mapping (transferring) the existing quality assurance (QA) system to the new legal framework and best European practices;
- Development of training materials and conducting training for employees responsible for quality assurance at the internal and external levels;
- Development of a standard model of quality assurance and its implementation in the organizational HEIs structures;
- Development of guidelines on policies and procedures for the external quality assurance system;
- Development of guidelines (methodology) for universities on the structure, functions and procedures of the internal quality assurance system (QA);
- Development of roadmaps, quality assurance strategies, procedures, and tools; standards and criteria for self-assessment of universities at institutional levels;
- Piloting the quality assurance tools in partner universities;
- Evaluation of the developed quality assurance tools and mechanisms;
- Adoption of the university strategy and procedures for quality assurance;
- Development of recommendations on national and external quality assurance requirements and evaluation procedures.
Expected results:
І. Creating and piloting the models for external and internal quality control systems as an integral system of procedures and tools in Ukrainian universities.
ІІ. Trained staff responsible for quality assurance in higher education at internal and external levels.
III. Creation and dissemination of roadmaps and strategies for higher education's internal and external quality assurance systems.
IV. Development, modernization and implementation by Ukrainian universities of their quality assurance systems, using new approaches, mechanisms and tools of European quality assurance standards in higher education.
V. Assessment of the results achieved in higher education quality assurance at the national and local levels by experts from independent European agencies.
VI. Dissemination of project results.
The project's leader is a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor S. Hryhoruk.