Internationalisation at KhNU: interim meeting of the participants of the THEA Ukraine X project

A series of meetings was held from April 18 to April 21, 2023, as part of the intermediate stage of Khmelnytskyi National University’s participation in the program of professional development and training in the internationalisation of higher education institutions and science management (THEA Ukraine X).

During the meetings, the deans of faculties and heads of departments reported on the intermediate results of the internationalisation plans’ implementation. Participants discussed the issues and problems they encountered in the project, how they solved them, and what other attention or assistance they needed from the administration. It is also worth noting that some departments have already surpassed their plans or achieved the goals planned for a later period. Colleagues shared their impressions of the results of finding partners and initiating partnerships, participating in international events, and activating academic mobility.

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Kateryna Skyba, and the International Relations Office organised the meetings. Summing up the results of the meetings, Kateryna Skyba noted that the “Internationalisation Booster” training, which took place on December 5-8, 2022, aimed to inspire the participants and motivate them to implement the internationalisation strategy at Khmelnytskyi National University, has stimulated the internationalisation processes and increased the interest of both academic staff and students in international cooperation.

As a result of the meetings, an information package with helpful information will be developed and sent to the project participants shortly by the International Relations Office.

The final report on the implementation of the plans is scheduled to be presented at the end of the project.

We wish the successful implementation of the planned training to all participants!