Khmelnytskyi National University participated in the International Round Table on the topic "Synergy of Knowledge, Skills, and Experience in the Perspective of the Future"

Khmelnytskyi National University participated in the International Round Table on "Synergy of Knowledge, Skills, and Experience in the Perspective of the Future" from June 27th to 28th, 2023.

More than 20 higher education institutions from Poland, Estonia, Azerbaijan, India, and Ukraine participated in the event.

The Minister of Integration of the Republic of Poland, Agnieszka ŚCIGAJ, participated in the International Round Table.

The organizer of the International Round Table, WSHIU Akademia Nauk Stosowanych (Poznań, Poland), presented the results and prospects of international cooperation. The presentation highlighted Khmelnytskyi National University as a robust higher education institution, showcasing achievements such as student academic mobility, joint scientific events, and the participation of Prof. Dr Mariia Dykha in the International Forum held from May 17th to 20th in Poznań.

Representatives from Khmelnytskyi National University, including Rector Serhii Matiukh, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Kateryna Skyba, and Professor Mariia Dykha, presented at the event.

The discussion on further cooperation involved Vitalii Karpenko, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management; Pavlo Hryhoruk, Head of the Department of EAMITB; Iryna Zakryzhevska, Head of the Marketing Department; and Valerii Dykha, graduate student.

The round table participants expressed gratitude to their Polish partners for organizing the international event and put forward proposals for future collaboration.