Khmelnytskyi National University met with a delegation from Utah (USA)

On 1 May 2023, at the invitation of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council, Khmelnytskyi National University took part in an official meeting with a delegation from Utah (USA). Despite the war and constant danger, about thirty delegates from Utah, led by Senator Stuart Adams, arrived in Khmelnytskyi. The visit represents a reciprocal trip to the United States, made by representatives of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Business Association last year. The visit aims to establish close cooperation between leaders from the public and private sectors. For more than a year, the Americans have been providing humanitarian aid to Khmelnytskyi Oblast, the value of which has already exceeded USD 18 million. It is worth noting that we have been actively cooperating with the American charity "AUGUST MISSION" since the first days of the war.

In addition to the humanitarian mission, the American delegation is also interested in developing fruitful relations between the leaders of the public and private sectors of Utah and Ukraine and in establishing long-term ties between NGOs and business communities in Utah and Ukraine. During the meeting with the American partners, the Rector of KhNU Serhii Matiukh and the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Kateryna Skyba, presented the university's activities and discussed potential areas of cooperation with representatives of the political leadership of Utah, business people from the IT sector and charitable foundations.

Also, during the visit, a Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership was signed between the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council and the August Mission charity. This partnership will strengthen bilateral cooperation in the implementation of new humanitarian projects.

As part of the visit, the American delegation also met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. They discussed investment and economic projects between Ukraine and the United States. The Head of State noted the importance of such visits, which are signals of support for our country not only at the national level but also at the regional level, and praised the full and unconditional support of Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression - the fight for common ideals and democratic values.

We sincerely thank our partners from the United States for their support and assistance to Khmelnytskyi and look forward to fruitful cooperation between Khmelnytskyi National University and our American partners.