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The Félix Houphouët-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize
February 2, 2024 All day
The UNESCO Secretariat has announced the commencement of the nomination process for the acquisition the Félix Houphouët-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize.
The prize is established to encourage individuals, groups, institutions, or organizations for their significant contribution to the promotion, preservation, or support of peace in accordance with the Statutes of the United Nations and UNESCO. The prize is awarded every two years. The winner, selected based on recommendations from an international jury, will receive a monetary award of $150,000 USD.
Nominations should be sent along with recommendation letters in English or French by email to the UNESCO Secretariat at:PrixFHB@unesco.org) by February 29, 2024..
Просимо розглянути зазначену інформацію та в разі наявності кандидатів забезпечити відповідне подання заявки та надіслати документи до 2 лютого 2024 року на електронну адресу iryna.levytska@mon.gov.ua (In the subject line of the email, please specify: Documents for the Félix Houphouët-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize).