Online Bar Camp event for managers of higher education in Ukraine - KhNU International Relations Office participation

On May 6, 2022, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Kateryna Skyba and representatives of the International Relations Office took part in the Online Bar Camp for Ukrainian higher education managers within the framework of the FH Munster project "THEA Ukraine X" (Multiplication Trainings for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine).

The Bar Camp is an interactive exchange format. The event was organized jointly with Sumy State University in cooperation with the University of Munster and Leibniz University in Hanover (Germany). This is a program for the training and professional development of heads of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the internationalization of higher education and science management.

The workshop was launched for Ukrainian higher education managers and organized for active discussions, communication and exchange of ideas.

The event highlighted the opportunities and support provided by Germany.

All participants were free to choose the thematic sessions they would like to attend. Representatives of Khmelnytskyi National University participated in the Virtual Mobility and Establishing Networks sessions.

As a result of the meeting, it was decided to create a professional network of managers in Ukraine's educational and scientific sphere to exchange and disseminate information.