How to become a part of the Unity («Єднання»)initiative?

On April 15, 2022, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Kateryna Skyba and International Relations Officers took part in a meeting conference "How to become part of the Unity initiative?".

The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the higher education consulting company Cormack Consultancy Group. The Initiative helps establish partnerships between universities in Ukraine, the UK, the US and the EU. This assistance from the partner university (ies) aims to support, restore and develop the Ukrainian university during the war and in the long term - forming strategic partnerships, alliances for joint work and mutual internationalization.

All the participants had the opportunity to talk to the company's representatives and learn about the following steps to implement the Unity initiative.

The participants expressed their sincere gratitude to the organizers for their support during the challenging times of the Russian-Ukrainian war and their hope for establishing close and fruitful cooperation between Ukrainian and British universities.