March 7, 2024, one of the largest educational courses “Moving Minds: International Business”, implemented on the COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) model. More than 180 students from Ukraine and Belgium took part in the course.

The initiators and main generators of ideas for this event were Ilona Dumanska, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, and Fleur Deboutte, UCL lecturer, with the active support of Kateryna Skyba, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of KhNU.

The course was taught by Fleur Deboutte (UCLL, Belgium), Ilona Dumanska (KhNU, Ukraine), and the course facilitator for project work was Madeleine Meerts (UCLL, Belgium).

The course lasted for 11 weeks, from March 7 to May 10, 2024, and was held twice a week, on Thursdays and Fridays. The main digital tool for the course was the Discord service. During the course, students acquired the following competencies:
– професійні навички участі в міжнародних проєктах, спрямованих на побудову успішної міжнародної бізнес-практики через знання крос-культурної та комунікаційної специфіки (міжпрофесійні, комунікативні та організаційні навички, soft-skills та навички самоуправління);
– міжнародні компетенції (ICOM): міжкультурні та мовні компетенції, глобальне залучення, особистісне зростання, міжнародне дисциплінарне навчання;
– покращення володіння іноземними мовами та знаннями з певної професійної теми (міжнародний бізнес, міжкультурні відносини тощо).

On May 31, 2024, certificates were awarded to participants who successfully completed the COIL course. The event was opened by the Rector of Khmelnytsky National University, Serhiy Matiukh, who addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Kateryna Skyba expressed her sincere gratitude to the students for their hard work throughout the project.

The Head of the Department of International Economic Relations, Dmytro Vasylkivsky, also thanked all participants for their contribution to the organization of the project and shared interesting videos of students' training, which caused vivid emotions among both the participants and the teaching staff.

Fleur Deboutte, a lecturer from the Belgian university UCLL University of Applied Sciences, joined the event online and expressed her gratitude to the Ukrainian students for their perseverance, noted their high intellectual abilities and ability to work in a team with Belgian students. Ilona Dumanska, a course instructor from Khmelnytskyi National University, concluded the greetings.

After the greetings, the certificates were presented to the participants. Khmelnytsky National University expresses its sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the implementation of this project for their contribution and support.